September 11, 2020
Thank-you to the Mona Williams and the Castle Height Volunteers volunteers for taking on this project!

August 31, 2020
For all schools this fall it has been an odd opening to the year, with so many changes because of COVID 19. Castle Heights Elementary is no exception. Yet there are many silver li...
August 14, 2020
August 2020
Dear Students and Parents,
Wow what a year! We are so excited to be back in the building for school! Your classroom teacher has been working hard th...

July 7, 2020
Registration will be held from 10am-2pm on the following date: Castle Heights Elementary, August 4
Please note: If you completed an online form, you MUST formally regis...

May 19, 2020
Join us as we congratulate Cecilia Averett as she retires from Carbon School District.
Cecilia’s first memories of wanting to be a teacher were when she was 10 years old and ...
May 18, 2020
Please join us as we celebrate Deanne Bettino as she retires from Carbon School District.
Deanne Hall Bettino was born and raised in the Roosevelt, Utah area. From an early a...

April 20, 2020
This chart indicates the impact of minutes spent on reading daily on a students ability to read and their reading proficiency. Please encourage your child to do their daily readi...

March 31, 2020
Hi Parents and Students, Here are some more links to additional free reads you can enjoy at home. Happy Reading!

March 25, 2020
Here are some free educational sites offered on the internet.

October 24, 2019
I’d like to extend a big” thank-you” to the Price Lion’s Club for their sponsorship of the Castle Heights Constitution Bee which was held on October 23, 2019. The Price Lion’s C...
August 29, 2019
Picture day is September 13th. Please order online! https://drive.google.com/file/...

August 16, 2019
A reminder for CHE bus students and parents: Please do not park in the Notre Dame Catholic Hope Center parking lot. Parking is available on the street for drop off/pick up. Thank...
August 6, 2019
This year, Castle Heights will be having you fill out required school forms online. These are the papers that would normally come home in the first ...

June 26, 2019
Download our mobile app for Android or IOS devices and get the latest from Castle Heights and Carbon School District while on the go!