August 28, 2023
Just a reminder that we need a secretary to serve on our School Community Council. Nominations will be accepted through September 14th. Elections will be held on September 21st ...

August 25, 2023
Dear Parents,
We want you to be aware of an app that students might be using right now that lacks important safety features to protect users from predators, cyberbullying, inap...

August 15, 2023
We are excited to begin another school year! We are also excited about our new student information system. We have chosen to switch to software called PowerSchool. PowerSchool ...

August 15, 2023
School starts on Wednesday, August 16, 2023 and is a regular full day of school

August 14, 2023
With school starting this week and buses back on the roads, we remind the community to be mindful of our students and of our buses. Please drive carefully as buses will be takin...

August 11, 2023
It’s finally here! Tonight the Carbon Dinos open up the football season at home against Hillcrest! Live coverage begins with the Landon’s Diesel Service Pre Game Show at 6:30 PM, ...

August 10, 2023
FRAUD alert - As our Sports seasons begin, we would like to remind you that ALL live streaming links will be announced by an individual school or the district. We will NEVER sha...
August 9, 2023
August 3, 2023
Dear Students and Parents,
We are so excited to be back in school! Your classroom teacher has been working hard these past few weeks preparing the classroo...

June 27, 2023
Starting July 5th-July 27th, we will be serving Snack in the Mornings from 8:45– 9:30 AM. Snacks must be eaten on site.
0-18 years of age
Join us on Tuesdays, Wednesday...

May 31, 2023
The Summer Lunch program begins June 5 through July 28, 2023 from 11am-12 noon at the following locations: Sally Mauro Elementary Bruin Point Elementary Creekview Elementary C...

May 24, 2023
The bus schedule for the last day of school is as follows: Castle Valley Center, released at 10:45 am Elementary Schools, released at 10:45 am Secondary Schools, released at 11...

May 24, 2023
Utah State University Eastern is always welcoming to the Castle Country community and their hospitality was extended to Carbon School District’s third grade classes recently. The ...

May 18, 2023
There is no school for students on Friday, May 19. It is a Professional Development Day for Teachers.

May 17, 2023
Just a Friendly reminder:
PLEASE check your Student’s Lunch Balance and pay the balance off before school ends.
If you need to do a payment plan please contact Melanie or ...

May 17, 2023
Carbon School District is pleased to announce the District Teacher of the Year Jennifer Mathis, and the District Employee of the Year Cindy Ivory. Both ladies work at Carbon High...

May 16, 2023
May 25, 2023 bus schedule is as follows:
Castle Valley Center, released at 10:45 am
Elementary Schools, released at 10:45 am
Secondary Schools, released at 11:20 am