Carbon School District is seeking applications for Substitute Bus Drivers. Bus drivers must be able to qualify for a Utah CDL drivers license with school bus endorsement. Will provide paid training for all qualified applicants. Will work approximately 29 hours per week. Must have a high school diploma or equivalent. Must be able to pass a Live Scan fingerprint background screen (cost of $25). *Current CSD employees who wish to apply must complete the first 4 steps of the application process but are not required to complete the entire application unless they desire to do so.* Apply online at www.carbonschools.org using the Menu tab and the CSD Employment Opportunities link

Carbon School District is seeking applications for Guest Teachers throughout all levels of schools within the District. Guest Teachers provide backup teaching services when full-time teachers are unable to work. Guest Teachers execute lesson plans left by the absent teacher. Guest Teachers create and maintain a respectful and fair classroom culture that fosters safe and productive learning. Guest Teachers monitor, observe, and report student behavior according to school policies and procedures. Must be a high school graduate and be at least age 18. Will be required to pass a Live Scan fingerprint background check (cost of $25) as well as SubSkills training (reimbursable upon successful completion of training). *Current CSD employees who wish to apply must complete the first 4 steps of the application process but are not required to complete the entire application unless they desire to do so.* Apply online at www.carbonschools.org using the Menu tab and the CSD Employment Opportunities link

Just a reminder that the School Community Council candidate nomination form is due tomorrow. You can drop your form off at the office if you are interested in joining.

Castle Heights Parents - If you haven't already, please log on to your parent SIS Aspire account and complete your online registration. Registering ensures your students accounts are updated and important documents are signed in order for your student to participate in computer lab, PE, climbing wall, etc. Every student needs to be registered even if they are a returning student. Castle Heights office hours will be Monday, August 16th from 9:00-12:00 and Tuesday, August 17th from 10:00-1:00. School starts on Wednesday, August 18th for 1st -5th grades and Wednesday, August 25th for Kindergarten. Thank you and we will see you soon!

2021-2022 School year calendar

Welcome Back, Students and Parents!!
Carbon School District is excited to begin the 2021-2022 school year. We look forward to welcoming our students back on August 18.
Please review the document for information related to COVID-19 layered prevention, protocols for positive cases, and mask mandates.
We look forward to an exciting and productive year together.
Have a great day,
Mika Salas

Carbon School District has openings for After School Program Site Coordinators at various Elementary Schools throughout the district. Must be able to work well with children. Responsible to plan, conduct, and manage activities for students involved in the after-school program. Collaborate with school staff and others working in the after-school program. Must be willing to follow guidelines outlined in the grant funding source. Will work Monday-Friday, 29 hours per week. Must have a high school diploma or equivalent. Must be able to pass a Live Scan fingerprint background screening (cost of $25). *Current CSD employees who wish to apply must complete the first 4 steps of the application process but are not required to complete the entire application unless they desire to do so.* Apply online at www.carbonschools.org using the Menu tab and the CSD Employment Opportunities link

Carbon School District is seeking applications for After School Program Aide(s). Multiple openings throughout the district at various Elementary Schools. Will work in the After School Program at the Elementary level. Must be able to work well with young children and be able to take direction from the supervising teacher. Will work approximately 20 hours per week. Must have a high school diploma or equivalent. Must be able to pass a Live Scan fingerprint background screening (cost of $25). *Current CSD employees who wish to apply must complete the first 4 steps of the application process but are not required to complete the entire application unless they desire to do so.* Apply online at www.carbonschools.org using the Menu tab and the CSD Employment Opportunities link

Registration is now open for new and existing students grades 1-5. Please follow the directions carefully in order to be sure your student is enrolled correctly. ALL documents must be electronically signed.
If you need to register a Kindergartner, please register in person at the school (If you attended Kindergarten Roundup, you are already registered) Please bring birth certificate and immunization record.
Office hours beginning Tuesday, August 3rd:
Monday – Friday 10:00am – 1:00pm
Student is CURRENTLY ATTENDING or has PREVIOUSLY ATTENDED a school in Carbon School District
• GO TO Carbonschools.org -Menu -Student & Parent Resources -Aspire SIS
• At the bottom of the page click on “Register Student for Enrollment”
• Click on the options under CURRENT Student Registration on the right side of the page (You will need your SIS Username and Password)
• Follow the directions for student enrollment and sign all electronic documents.
Student has NEVER attended a school in Carbon School District
• GO TO Carbonschools.org -Menu -Student & Parent Resources -Aspire SIS
• At the bottom of the page click on “Register Student for Enrollment”
• Click on the options under NEW student Registration on the left side of the page
*Please, DO NOT select this option if your student has EVER attended this school or another school in this district. Duplicate records will be created.
• Follow the directions for student enrollment and sign all electronic forms
*IMPORTANT: Before a student is accepted for enrollment and the enrollment process is completed, the following enrollment verification documents are required to be brought to the school: (see office hours above)
1. Original birth certificate
2. Certified and complete immunization records or official certificate of immunization exemption.

Carbon School District is seeking applications for a Lunch Worker. Duties include entering student account numbers into the Aspire system as students come through cafeteria lines, collecting account payments, applying payments to student and staff accounts, notifying parents/guardians of account deficits, and tracking data for monthly reports. Other duties include helping as needed in the kitchen and communicating with school administration, faculty and staff. Food handler permit is required upon hiring. Will work approximately 20 hours per week. Must have a high school diploma or equivalent. Must be able to pass a Live Scan Fingerprint background screening (cost of $25). *Current CSD employees who wish to apply must complete the first 4 steps of the application process but are not required to complete the entire application unless they desire to do so* Apply online at www.carbonschools.org using the Menu tab and the CSD Employment Opportunities link

We need your help! Over the weekend (June 17-20) sometime between Thursday afternoon-Sunday evening, someone broke the glass on Mrs. Moira’s classroom door window and Mr. Melosi’s classroom window on the west side of the building on the 1st/2nd grade playground. It looks like it was done with a slingshot using ceramic Daisy brand marbles. If you have any information regarding this incident, please email the principal at fluckeyw@carbonschools.org or call Carbon School District at 637-1732. Thanks!

CONGRATULATIONS to Jantz Greenhalgh. He traveled to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina and competed in the 2021 NASP Championship and the 2021 3D-IBO Championship.
Throughout both of these events he shot his heart out. In the bullseye tournament he placed 1st in the elementary boys division, and second place out of all the elementary students.
The 3D event was another story. He placed first in the elementary boys division and FIRST OVERALL.

The last day of school will be on Thursday, May 27th. Walkers will be dismissed at approximately 11:10. Breakfast will be served that day but lunch will NOT be due to early release. The office will close at 11:30. Have a fun and safe summer!

Carbon School District is thrilled to be offering an elementary summer learning program to support reading and math skills. It will be held on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 9:00-12:00 starting the week of June 14th and ending the week of July 26th. Transportation will be available, and lunch will be provided. Please complete the registration from at this link https://forms.gle/kxUt4UGzwiJJpJ448 or the registration can be accessed on the banner of each schools' website.

Please send this message to the archery list through ThrillShare for me
Parents . . . . results have been posted for the national competitions that we participated in last week. The teams from CHE were amazing. In the bullseye tournament, we scored higher than we have ever scored in school history, 3084 points, which is 97 points higher than we scored at the state tournament. That brought the team in at 9th place out of 132 teams from around the country. Our 3D archery group did amazing as well. They scored 1581 points, which put them 24 points out of first place. The 3D team came in at 3rd place in the COUNTRY, out of 50 teams. They scored almost 300 points higher than Castle Heights has ever scored in that tournament.
If you want to take a look at the tournament results in detail . . . .

Yearbooks will go on sale on Monday, May 10th for $12.00. Your student will be bringing home an order form/envelope today. Unfortunately, online payment is not an option and you will need to pay with either cash or check. Please have your student bring their order forms straight to the office.

The bus is returning to Castle Heights at 3:00 pm

It’s currently raining. Be prepared for inside recess at 7:45.

Carbon School District is seeking applications for a part time Music Specialist at Castle Heights Elementary School. Must demonstrate a background in music and be able to work with Elementary age children. Ability to work and communicate with children and adults. Ability to work with technology. Will prepare and organize instructional materials and equipment. Assist in classroom management. Must be able to pass a Live scan fingerprint background check (cost of $25) . Must have a high school diploma or equivalent. Will work approximately 16 hours per week. *Current CSD employees who wish to apply must complete the first 4 steps of the application process but are not required to complete the entire application unless they desire to do so.*

Carbon School District is seeking applications for a Speech Language Pathologist. Speech-language Pathologists (SLPs) work to prevent, assess, diagnose, and treat speech, language, social communication, cognitive-communication, and swallowing disorders in children. The Speech/Language Pathologist assists in developing speech and language skills to facilitate the personal, social, and intellectual development of students. In order to respond to the individual needs and abilities of students, the Speech/Language Pathologist must work closely with the staff and administration of the cooperative and school district. Assist in the early recognition and prevention of educational problems. Monitor student progress and make informed, timely educational decisions. Conduct speech, language, and hearing screenings and diagnostic evaluations to determine the need for clinical services. Participate as a team member in the comprehensive evaluation, review, and reevaluation process. Participate in the development of student IEP's. Adhere to required program guidelines as defined by the plan for Special Education. Consult with parents, teachers, administrators, and others concerning the needs of students and special services that are available. Assist teachers in the development and implementation of curriculum modifications and appropriate classroom strategies. Refer students and their families to appropriate community agencies and services. Cooperate with agencies serving students and their families. Provide therapy, followup, and/or consultation based on student IEP's. Motivate students through effective communication and evaluative feedback. Demonstrate awareness of the needs of students and provide for individual differences. Must hold a current Utah Speech Pathologist license or be able to receive such. *Current CSD employees who wish to apply must complete the first 4 steps of the application process but are not required to complete the entire application unless they desire to do so.*